Other business, government, education and community organizations
AZBSN COVID-19 Digital Access Task Force
Report and Recommendations
Report and Recommendations
Phoenix, Arizona November 2, 2020
In response to the dramatic increase in demand for digital access due to COVID-19, AZBSN, led by the Arizona Telecommunications and Information Council (ATIC) and the Greater Arizona Educational Leadership (GAZEL) organization, established the COVID-19 Digital Access Task Force. When the Task Force was created, the initial focus was on Internet access, but it soon became clear that we needed to address Digital Access, not just Internet access.
The AZBSN COVID-19 Digital Access Task Force published a comprehensive Digital Access report presenting a statewide Digital Access Strategy including tactical and strategic recommendations and initiatives for action. The report addresses the digital access needs of all Arizona citizens, including students, parents, teachers, seniors, library patrons and the general public, especially those citizens in tribal, rural and other underserved communities and low-income neighborhoods in Arizona.
The strategy is designed to provide equitable digital inclusion services and resources for schools, universities, community colleges, homes, libraries, healthcare facilities, businesses and communities, to support education, healthcare, community services and economic development and more. The intended audience is public and private policy and decision-makers representing anyone who has the responsibility and authority to serve all Arizona citizens and to ensure their safety and quality of life during this trying period:
This report is submitted on behalf of the more than 60 public and private digital access advocates participating in the statewide Task Force.
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What Is Digital Access?
Digital access is more than just access to fast affordable and reliable Broadband Internet access. While we need to get everyone connected, many Arizona citizens don’t have access to other digital access requirements including affordable devices such as computers, smartphones and home hotspots; skills and technical support to enable them to use the devices, the Internet and applications effectively; digital literacy and web literacy skills; and access to digital content, applications and other resources. |
What's In The Report
Table of Contents
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The Report Includes
Recommendations at a Glance
The report includes recommendations in the following areas:
- Technology and Infrastructure
- State and Community Digital Access Planning
- Funding and Resources Support Strategies
- State Broadband and Digital Inclusion Leadership, Policy and Regulation
- Technical Support and Professional Development for Education and the Community
- Public Access to Digital Resources
- Educational Digital Content and Resource Sharing
- Safe Operations of Schools, Libraries and Public Spaces in the COVID-19 Environment
AZBSN COVID-19 Digital Access Task Force Stakeholders
The Task Force has engaged public and private leaders and industry experts to share information and collaborate on recommendations and critical digital access initiatives for the State. Participation in the Task Force includes representation across State and Local Government, Public Policy Makers, Rural Community Leaders, Economic Development, Education, Health Services, Public Safety, Libraries, Nonprofit Organizations, Telecommunication Service Providers, Technology Companies
While there are many more partners that deserve recognition, the following is a representative list of our Task Force participants:
While there are many more partners that deserve recognition, the following is a representative list of our Task Force participants:
Participation Is Encouraged by All
Stay Connected!
ContactSteve Peters, Coordinator
Arizona Broadband Stakeholder Network Covide-19 Digital Access Network Steve Peters, Coordinator Phone and Text520-321-1309 [email protected] |