Updates and Resources
On this page you will find resources to help address your digital access needs
AZBSN Arizona Broadband Consultants List (V02P)
This list has been crowdsourced from AZBSN COVID-19 Digital Access Task Force members’ experience and suggestions to aid Arizona institutions and communities in finding consultants to aid with their broadband projects, grant writing, and to otherwise help meet their broadband planning, information technology (IT), funding, and project management needs. The current version V02P includes a total of 63 entries, last updated on January 12, 2022. To inquire, suggest additions or otherwise give feedback, please contact Steve Peters, AZBSN Coordinator at [email protected].
Arizona Commerce Authority
This list has been crowdsourced from AZBSN COVID-19 Digital Access Task Force members’ experience and suggestions to aid Arizona institutions and communities in finding consultants to aid with their broadband projects, grant writing, and to otherwise help meet their broadband planning, information technology (IT), funding, and project management needs. The current version V02P includes a total of 63 entries, last updated on January 12, 2022. To inquire, suggest additions or otherwise give feedback, please contact Steve Peters, AZBSN Coordinator at [email protected].
Arizona Commerce Authority
- Arizona Commerce Authority Broadband
- Arizona Commerce Authority: Ensuring Connectivity in Arizona: Resources and Support in Response to COVID-19. Download PDF
Free WiFi Access
- Link to the document for parents to find Broadband that the Arizona Commerce Authority provides to ADE. The document includes help for AZ families to determine Broadband carrier options and COVID-19 specific offers, the statewide map of free WiFi hotspots and instructions for parents to turn on their cellular hotspots which is a much better option now that many carriers’ data caps have been lifted.
- Link to the free WiFi access points statewide developed with State Land and the State Library:
- Arizona Together Web Site: See Business Resources page with links for Help with Internet Services and Help with Wireless Services
- Arizona Public Libraries Digital Inclusion - Wi-Fi Maps: The link will take you to the Digital Inclusion web page with the map.
- Arizona Commerce Authority: Ensuring Connectivity in Arizona: Resources and Support in Response to COVID-19. Download PDF
- Article: Phoenix Chamber News Telecom companies keep Arizona connected during COVID-19
- EveryoneOn.Org is a nonprofit connecting low-income families to affordable internet service and computers, and delivering digital skills training. Multiple Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have made updates to their low-cost internet service programs to ensure individuals and families stay connected . EveryoneOn has updated its low-cost internet service options tool to reflect these changes. For more information, visit EveryoneOn.org.
Other Funding and Resources
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