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Report Summary
Attendees: Steve Peters, Oris Friesen, Henry Goldberg, Mark Goldstein, Bill Lombardi, Karen Miller, Mala Muralidharan, Jay Schlum, Nan Williams
Logo for The Broadband Stakeholder Network
Steve distributed the draft Sponsorship Request document for the Broadband Stakeholder Network (on the Broadband Stakeholder Network webpage on the ATIC website). The new Broadband Stakeholder Network logo is displayed on this document. The logo was approved (with changes made for a spelling error and changing “Greater Arizona Educational Leadership to “Greater Arizona eLearning Association”.)
Planning the 1st Broadband Stakeholder Network Roundtable
Date of Roundtable
The date of the first Broadband Stakeholder Network Roundtable was confirmed to be April 25, 2019 from 2:00 – 6:00 pm. This date was chosen because it works for Adonis Trujillo of Microsoft (likely major sponsor), John Windhausen (federal update speaker), Karen Ziegler (State of Arizona broadband speaker), Milan Eaton and Mala Muralidharan (E-rate update speakers), one Ignite presentation speaker, and the ADOA room is available that date.
Location of Roundtable
Possible locations for the 1st Roundtable continued to be discussed. The location must have adequate space for attendees and exhibitors, microphones, and teleconferencing capability for remote attendees. Steve expects at least 75 attendees. There will be no alcohol served at the reception.
Mala noted that Karen Ziegler of the Arizona Department of Administration confirmed we could use a room they have on April 25th that can accommodate 75 people with tables, and there is free parking and food can be brought in, but exhibit space needs to be looked into and security may be an issue after 5:00 pm. Steve said he is still trying to connect with Rio Salado College because they have great spaces for conferences with food service, lots of parking, and video production capabilities, and the space would be free with an appropriate sponsor. Other suggested locations that may still be looked into are the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix (parking cost is an issue), the University of Advancing Technology, and a Black Canyon Conference Center room. Steve will try to confirm the location in the next week, and report back at the next leadership team meeting.
Program for Roundtable
Steve circulated the following proposed draft program/agenda for the 1st Roundtable:
Partnerships for the Roundtables
Various organizations are and will be asked to partner with ATIC and GAZeL in promoting the Broadband Stakeholder Network Roundtables. These organizations will be asked to promote the roundtables with their members (such as sending out e-mails and posting on their websites). Partners are not being asked to contribute money to support the operation of the roundtables. Sample partners that may be approached include the Arizona Technology Council, Arizona Telemedicine Program, Arizona State Library, Arizona Technology in Education Association, Arizona Commerce Authority, Sun Corridor Network, the League of Cities and Towns, the County Supervisors Association, and the Arizona Association for Economic Development.
Sponsors for the Roundtables
Steve created a draft document intended for distribution to potential sponsors of the roundtables – this document is posted on the ATIC Broadband Stakeholder Network webpage.
Some suggested changes to this draft document were made. The partner organizations should not be listed until they are confirmed partners. The Broadband Stakeholder Network leadership team names should not be listed but rather just state the types of organizations they represent. The roundtables should be stated as occurring “periodically” rather than “monthly” or “quarterly”. The words “and reliable” should be added to the phrase “yet a number of rural communities do not have access to affordable high capacity digital services” on page 2 of the document.
As mentioned, Steve has been speaking with Microsoft about being a potential large sponsor. Steve will also contact various other potential sponsors including various wireline and wireless broadband service providers, networking equipment and application vendors, and infrastructure providers. Mala said she would also send Steve a list of potential sponsors.
Promotion and Registering for the Roundtable
Steve will draft an e-mail to advertise the roundtable. This e-mail will be forwarded to ATIC and GAZeL mailing lists, roundtable partnership organizations (as discussed above), and other key groups such as the rural stakeholders identified for the State of Arizona Broadband Strategic Plan focus groups. The information on the roundtable will also be posted on the Broadband Stakeholder Network webpage on the ATIC website plus a separate webpage for the Roundtable.
Steve said Eventbrite (or a similar service) will be used to register for the roundtable. It was agreed that attendees will not have to pay to attend the roundtable because the sponsorships should cover all expenses associated with the event. The registration will include a question for attendees on whether they want to be included on ATIC/GAZeL e-mail lists for future communications.
Next Broadband Stakeholder Network Leadership Team Teleconference
Steve will arrange a follow-up leadership team teleconference to discuss progress on the location, program, partners, and sponsors for the April 25th Roundtable.
The next leadership team teleconference will be on Thursday, March 21st at 9:00 am.
Logo for The Broadband Stakeholder Network
Steve distributed the draft Sponsorship Request document for the Broadband Stakeholder Network (on the Broadband Stakeholder Network webpage on the ATIC website). The new Broadband Stakeholder Network logo is displayed on this document. The logo was approved (with changes made for a spelling error and changing “Greater Arizona Educational Leadership to “Greater Arizona eLearning Association”.)
Planning the 1st Broadband Stakeholder Network Roundtable
Date of Roundtable
The date of the first Broadband Stakeholder Network Roundtable was confirmed to be April 25, 2019 from 2:00 – 6:00 pm. This date was chosen because it works for Adonis Trujillo of Microsoft (likely major sponsor), John Windhausen (federal update speaker), Karen Ziegler (State of Arizona broadband speaker), Milan Eaton and Mala Muralidharan (E-rate update speakers), one Ignite presentation speaker, and the ADOA room is available that date.
Location of Roundtable
Possible locations for the 1st Roundtable continued to be discussed. The location must have adequate space for attendees and exhibitors, microphones, and teleconferencing capability for remote attendees. Steve expects at least 75 attendees. There will be no alcohol served at the reception.
Mala noted that Karen Ziegler of the Arizona Department of Administration confirmed we could use a room they have on April 25th that can accommodate 75 people with tables, and there is free parking and food can be brought in, but exhibit space needs to be looked into and security may be an issue after 5:00 pm. Steve said he is still trying to connect with Rio Salado College because they have great spaces for conferences with food service, lots of parking, and video production capabilities, and the space would be free with an appropriate sponsor. Other suggested locations that may still be looked into are the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix (parking cost is an issue), the University of Advancing Technology, and a Black Canyon Conference Center room. Steve will try to confirm the location in the next week, and report back at the next leadership team meeting.
Program for Roundtable
Steve circulated the following proposed draft program/agenda for the 1st Roundtable:
- Networking and Exhibits
- Welcome - Steve Peters, GAZeL Coordinator and ATIC Board Member
- Sponsor Introductions and Welcomes
- Microsoft Broadband Initiatives In Arizona
- Keynote and Federal Updates - Video Conference (Tentative) John Windhausen Executive Director of SHLB, Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition to discuss broadband for rural community anchor institutions
- State of Arizona Broadband plans overview (including focus groups and Goal Council recommendations) by Karen Ziegler, Project Manager, AZ FirstNet, Office of Grants and Federal Resources, State Of Arizona Department Of Administration
- Arizona Commerce Department - Update - Arizona Broadband Director role and possibly newly appointed person for that position
- Update on the E-rate Modernization Program Grants for schools and libraries by Milan Eaton (State Erate Coordinator, Arizona Department of Education) and Mala Muralidaharan (E-rate Administrator for Public Libraries, Arizona State Library Archives and Public Records). Maybe a representative of Education Superhighway (a partner on this project)
- Discussions/ Engagement Experience
- 3-5 Ignite Presentations (TBD)
- Networking and Reception
- Steve will do a “Welcome” and acknowledge the sponsors. Large sponsors will get some time to speak in the “Welcome” section of the event, and Microsoft’s Broadband Initiatives in Arizona will be allocated about 10 – 15 minutes.
- It was suggested that the “Keynote” and “Federal Updates” sections should be separated. It was agreed that the Keynote session would try to include a speaker that gives a visionary talk about future needs, issues, and directions for broadband, and that there would be a separate speaker on upcoming federal legislation. Mark said he would contact Blair Levin about being the keynote speaker, and Mala said she would contact Tom Wheeler (who may be able to provide a pre-recorded video since he will be out of the country in April). Mark suggested Susan Crawford, who is a strong voice in the broadband community, as another potential option for the keynote speaker. Mala stated
- John Windhausen of SHLB agreed to be the speaker that provides the update on federal legislation.
- It was agreed that a panel of Arizona Department of Administration (Karen Ziegler) and Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) representatives would speak about State of Arizona past activities in broadband such as the Broadband Strategic Plan and Goal Council recommendations, and should include the new Arizona Broadband Director at ACA (if that person has been appointed) to discuss future broadband directions.
- There would be a panel of three people to discuss the E-rate Modernization Program for schools and libraries: Milan Eaton, Mala Muralidharan, and an Education Superhighway representative who could relate what is happening in Arizona to the national situation. Steve suggested we also invite the person responsible in the Governor’s Office, and Mala said she would look into this. Mark added he may invite Andy Tobin of the Arizona Corporation Commission since they were critical in enabling state matching funds.
- Steve emphasized he wants to encourage dialogue beyond the panel presentations in the “Discussion/Engagement” subsequent period. We need to have a facilitator for this session with open-ended questions for discussion from the attendees. The room may be rearranged with tables for this discussion.
- Suggestions were made for the “Ignite Presentations” session of 5-minute presentations with 20 slides. Mala suggested Nicole Umayam present on broadband applications and issues within public libraries (e.g. Wi-Fi lending). Other suggestions were: Gil Gonzalez of Microsoft on his work with Broadband for the Navajo Nation, Michael Sherman on the Sun Corridor Network, John Lucas on his proposed middle-mile fiber network for rural Arizona, and Mark Goldstein or Chris Richardson (ASU Deputy CIO) on Smart Cities and Internet of Things enabled by 5G.
Partnerships for the Roundtables
Various organizations are and will be asked to partner with ATIC and GAZeL in promoting the Broadband Stakeholder Network Roundtables. These organizations will be asked to promote the roundtables with their members (such as sending out e-mails and posting on their websites). Partners are not being asked to contribute money to support the operation of the roundtables. Sample partners that may be approached include the Arizona Technology Council, Arizona Telemedicine Program, Arizona State Library, Arizona Technology in Education Association, Arizona Commerce Authority, Sun Corridor Network, the League of Cities and Towns, the County Supervisors Association, and the Arizona Association for Economic Development.
Sponsors for the Roundtables
Steve created a draft document intended for distribution to potential sponsors of the roundtables – this document is posted on the ATIC Broadband Stakeholder Network webpage.
Some suggested changes to this draft document were made. The partner organizations should not be listed until they are confirmed partners. The Broadband Stakeholder Network leadership team names should not be listed but rather just state the types of organizations they represent. The roundtables should be stated as occurring “periodically” rather than “monthly” or “quarterly”. The words “and reliable” should be added to the phrase “yet a number of rural communities do not have access to affordable high capacity digital services” on page 2 of the document.
As mentioned, Steve has been speaking with Microsoft about being a potential large sponsor. Steve will also contact various other potential sponsors including various wireline and wireless broadband service providers, networking equipment and application vendors, and infrastructure providers. Mala said she would also send Steve a list of potential sponsors.
Promotion and Registering for the Roundtable
Steve will draft an e-mail to advertise the roundtable. This e-mail will be forwarded to ATIC and GAZeL mailing lists, roundtable partnership organizations (as discussed above), and other key groups such as the rural stakeholders identified for the State of Arizona Broadband Strategic Plan focus groups. The information on the roundtable will also be posted on the Broadband Stakeholder Network webpage on the ATIC website plus a separate webpage for the Roundtable.
Steve said Eventbrite (or a similar service) will be used to register for the roundtable. It was agreed that attendees will not have to pay to attend the roundtable because the sponsorships should cover all expenses associated with the event. The registration will include a question for attendees on whether they want to be included on ATIC/GAZeL e-mail lists for future communications.
Next Broadband Stakeholder Network Leadership Team Teleconference
Steve will arrange a follow-up leadership team teleconference to discuss progress on the location, program, partners, and sponsors for the April 25th Roundtable.
The next leadership team teleconference will be on Thursday, March 21st at 9:00 am.