Get Connected With the Arizona Broadband Stakeholder Network
ATIC, along with the Greater Arizona Educational Leadership organization's Innovative Learning Collaborative, and other stakeholder organizations, is leading the development of an Arizona Broadband Stakeholder Network. The Network will facilitate collaboration, coordination, information sharing and communication among key public, private and nonprofit stakeholders committed to promoting the expansion of broadband deployment in Arizona.
The Network will provide stakeholders opportunities to collaborate on initiatives and strategies to:
- Accelerate deployment of affordable and reliable Broadband Internet access in communities throughout Arizona
- Enable those communities to utilize those connections to: Support 21st Century education, Create jobs and support economic development; Train a 21st century workforce; Enhance public safety and health care; Connect their citizens to the world
The Network may lead to collaborative projects, development of joint grant applications, sharing of funding opportunities and other resources, aggregation of demand at the state and local level, policy discussions and recommendations, etc. The Network may also support local communities in aggregating demand for telecom services in those communities. For example, local planning could more effectively identify and include the needs for the State Library, the University of Arizona Agricultural Extension Services, Community Colleges, etc.
While the Network may review and comment on proposed policies, and complement other Arizona Broadband planning initiatives, initially it will not have any formal policy making or enforcement authority.
While the Network may review and comment on proposed policies, and complement other Arizona Broadband planning initiatives, initially it will not have any formal policy making or enforcement authority.
Organization, Coordination and Collaboration
ATIC and GAZeL are leading the development of the Network. A Leadership Team is being created to set the agenda and guide development of the Network. No new organization, Board, bylaws etc. would be created. Sponsorships or other funding options will be explored if the need arises.
Coordination and Collaboration
The Arizona Broadband Stakeholder Network will coordinate with, complement and support other broadband, education, economic development and health care initiatives such as: Arizona Statewide Broadband Strategic Plan, Arizona Broadband for Education Initiative, Greater Arizona Education Leadership organization's Arizona Innovative Learning Collaborative, Arizona Telemedicine Program, Sun Corridor Network, Arizona Department of Administration’s AZ First Net, Arizona State Library eRate, and more.
Network Activities
The Network activities may include:
- Monthly or quarterly Roundtables - live and online. May include: featured presentations; updates and information sharing; project and/or vendor showcase; informal networking
- An ATIC web page or other collaboration site, and maybe a blog, Facebook Page etc. May include: a calendar of events related to broadband planning initiatives; a flow chart or summaries of all state level broadband planning initiatives and entities
- Webinars
- Discussion of telecom policy issues
- An Online Community
- Others to be determined
Stakeholders - Open to All Interested Parties
The Network will include representatives of Stakeholder Groups such as :
- Councils of Government throughout Arizona
- The Arizona Rural Development Council
- The Arizona Commerce Authority
- Regional Economic Development Organizations
- Local and State Libraries
- State and local government entities
- Community Broadband Planning Councils
- Telemedicine
- Public safety
- Education: K-12 , universities and community colleges
- Nonprofit organizations
- Technology and telecom providers working on telecom deployment
- More