Other business, government, education and community organizations
AZBSN Task Force Funding Request
AZBSN, the Arizona Broadband Stakeholder Network is requesting funding to support implementation of the COVID-19 Task Force’s short and long term tactical and strategic Digital Access Recommendations and Initiatives to address the unprecedented demand for Internet and other digital access services and resources in Arizona resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic’s social and physical distancing requirements.
Steve Peters, Coordinator Arizona Broadband Stakeholder Network and COVID-19 Digital Access Task Force 520-321-1309 [email protected] In 2020 the Arizona Broadband Stakeholder Network, a collaborative initiative of the Arizona Telecommunications and Information Council (ATIC) and the Greater Arizona Educational Leadership (GAZEL) organization, created the COVID-19 Digital Access Task Force.
In November 2020 the Task Force published a Comprehensive Statewide Digital Access Strategy Report. The Report provides short and long term tactical and strategic recommendations and initiatives to address the digital access needs of all Arizona citizens, including students, parents, teachers, seniors, and library patrons, especially those citizens in tribal, rural and other underserved communities and low-income neighborhoods in Arizona. The initiatives also address the need for Internet and other digital access services and resources to enable schools, universities, community colleges, homes, libraries, healthcare facilities, businesses and communities to support education, healthcare, community services, economic development, and more. The report, submitted on behalf of the more than 60 public and private digital access advocates participating in the statewide Task Force, is intended for:
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What Is Digital Access?
Digital access is more than just access to fast affordable and reliable Broadband Internet access.
While we need to get everyone connected, we also need to ensure that all Arizona citizens have access to:
How You Can Help
AZBSN is requesting your financial support to continue coordination of the COVID-19 Digital Access Task Force and implementation of our short and long term tactical and strategic recommendations and initiatives to address the digital access needs in Arizona
With your tax deductible commitment to the Task Force through the Greater Arizona Educational Leadership 501(c)(3) organization, you will have the opportunity to tell your story, showcase your organization, and connect with public and private Digital Access advocates representing economic development, education, government, health services, public safety, libraries, telecom and technology companies, and more.
We are asking that you consider a $2000 - $10,000 + commitment. Depending upon your level of support:
With your tax deductible commitment to the Task Force through the Greater Arizona Educational Leadership 501(c)(3) organization, you will have the opportunity to tell your story, showcase your organization, and connect with public and private Digital Access advocates representing economic development, education, government, health services, public safety, libraries, telecom and technology companies, and more.
We are asking that you consider a $2000 - $10,000 + commitment. Depending upon your level of support:
- Your logo, with a link to your website, and a paragraph description of your organization, will be prominently displayed on the AZBSN and Task Force web pages including Task Force meetings, webinars and events pages
- Your logo will be prominently displayed on the AZBSN and Task Force meeting and event web sites, with your contact information, and a link to your web site
- Acknowledgement of your support at AZBSN meetings and events
- Your company logo, with a link to your web site, on email newsletters, announcements
- Your logo on other collateral material such as AZBSN flier
- Sponsorship Of Roundtables and Webinars
Why We Need Your Support
Your support will enable us to:
- Coordinate regular Task Force informational, coordinating and planning meetings including: (1) federal, state and local community updates; (2) digital access resource presentations and; (3) information and resource sharing
- Develop, coordinate and support Action Teams/Committees to implement the Task Force initiatives and recommendations
- Distribute the report and schedule meetings with key government officials, key policy and decision makers, executive leadership organizations, and a broad array of digital inclusion stakeholders in Arizona such as schools, universities and community colleges, state and local government agencies, libraries, associations and nonprofit organizations, healthcare and telemedicine organizations, local communities, and economic development organizations to advocate for funding and implementation of Task Force recommendations
- Support State government, and other responsible organizations, in developing strategic and tactical plans and implementation strategies to carry out the Task Force recommendations.
- Update and expand AZBSN COVID-19 Digital Access Website
- Provide regular community, stakeholder, and citizen communications through newsletters, webinars, web sites, informational meetings, social media, etc.
- Continue to identify and engage potential partners and collaborators
- Develop and distribute a periodic AZBSN and Digital Access Task Force newsletter
- Present informational online webinars and networking events for the Task Force, other digital access advocates and the broader public
- Seek sponsors and grants to fund and support AZBSN and COVID-19 Task Force initiatives
- Develop an online Database: Resources, Needs, Contacts, etc.
- Support the Connect Arizona Website and Interactive Map. The Task Force, in cooperation with the Arizona State Library, School Connect and Common Sense Media launched the Connect Arizona Website for user friendly access to free Wi-Fi hotspots and technical support resources in Arizona. The site also provides information on free and discounted resources to get connected and free technical support. Thousands of people throughout Arizona have accessed this site.
What's In The Report
Table of Contents
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The Report Includes
Recommendations at a Glance
The report includes recommendations in the following areas:
- Technology and Infrastructure
- State and Community Digital Access Planning
- Funding and Resources Support Strategies
- State Broadband and Digital Inclusion Leadership, Policy and Regulation
- Technical Support and Professional Development for Education and the Community
- Public Access to Digital Resources
- Educational Digital Content and Resource Sharing
- Safe Operations of Schools, Libraries and Public Spaces in the COVID-19 Environment
About The Task Force
The COVID-19 Task Force has engaged over 50 Digital Access advocates including public and private leaders and industry experts to share information and collaborate on recommendations and critical digital access initiatives for Arizona. Participation in the Task Force includes representation across State and Local Government, Public Policy Makers, Rural Community Leaders, Economic Development, Education, Health Services, Public Safety, Libraries, Nonprofit Organizations, Telecommunication Service Providers, and Technology Companies.
The Task Force is:
The Task Force is:
- Identifying digital access needs
- Enabling collaboration, coordination, sharing of information and resources and communication among key public, private and nonprofit digital access advocates
- Developing a statewide digital access strategy including short and long term tactical and strategic recommendations and initiatives
- Facilitating project partnerships
- Providing federal, state and local government briefings and; identifying and advocating for funding to enable implementation of COVID-19 Digital Access projects
While there are many more partners that deserve recognition, the following is a representative list of our Task Force participants:
Participation Is Encouraged by All
Stay Connected!
ContactSteve Peters, Coordinator
Arizona Broadband Stakeholder Network Covide-19 Digital Access Network Steve Peters, Coordinator Phone and Text520-321-1309 [email protected] |